German TV Channels. Enjoy a rich variety of documentaries, news, and features that open a door to German culture while providing coverage of international topics. View All International Languages Offered

GILCHING, Germany - A German tech company is in the process of developing an app aimed at detecting coronavirus. It uses the sounds of coughing and sneezing as well as voice recognition. Users are May 13, 2020 · Details of Germany's Corona-Warn-App published on the code-sharing site Github say it depends solely on medical test results to "avoid misuse". Media playback is unsupported on your device Rheinmain TV is a local TV channel from Bad Homburg.. RTL Muenchen TV (German) München TV is a local TV channel from München. It was founded in 2005 and is a privately held channel. It shows political, cultural, business and sports news. It also covers the Oktoberfests every year.. RUPTLY (English) Ruptly is a Russian video news agency.

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German commercial TV channel. Sophia TV. Topics of the Channel: Morality, Discussions about spiritual aspects , Culture and music , Vegetarian and vegetarian - vegan cooking classes , and Program for children. Die neue Zeit TV German commercial TV channel. Sophia TV. Topics of the Channel: Morality, Discussions about spiritual aspects , Culture and music , Vegetarian and vegetarian - vegan cooking classes , and Program for children. Die neue Zeit TV Jun 13, 2018 · Best App to watch FIFA World Cup, germany iptv link of the application in the play store: Deutshland IPTV has the best links to watch all the German channels on your android devices. With this app