iPhone 'kill switch' brings sharp decline in thefts
Jun 19, 2014 iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro Tricks: 16 ways to do more Dec 11, 2019 Why you need a wi-fi kill switch | Well+Good Jan 31, 2018
Jun 20, 2014
iPhone ‘kill switch’ brings sharp decline in thefts. Meanwhile, crimes surged against people carrying phones without the switches, according to the New York attorney general.
Much ado about the iPhone's 'kill switch' - CNET
Turning on the Kill Switch for (macOS X) To turn on the killswitch for Mac OS X, click IPVanish at the top of the menu bar (It's right next to the ), then click on Preferences . Once the Preferences window appears, click on Connection at the top and check the box labeled Kill Switch as shown below: